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Author (up) Dezerald, O.; Céréghino, R.; Corbara, B.; Dejean, A.; Leroy, C. url  openurl
  Title Functional trait responses of aquatic macroinvertebrates to simulated drought in a Neotropical bromeliad ecosystem Type Journal Article
  Year 2015 Publication Freshwater Biology Abbreviated Journal Freshwater Biology  
  Volume 60 Issue 9 Pages 1917-1929  
  Keywords Food webs; Precipitations; Rainforests; Resistance/resilience; Tipping point  
  Abstract The duration of the dry seasons in south-eastern Amazonia is expected to increase. Little is known of how freshwater assemblages respond to drought in the humid rainforests and of the extent to which they resist the absence of rainfall before the collapse of the system. We manipulated rainshelters over tank-forming bromeliads (i.e. the interlocking leaf axils of these plants form wells that collect rainwater) to simulate an exceptionally long dry period (49 days, compared with a 10-year mean ± SD annual maximum number of 17 ± 5.3 days without rainfall at the study site) and then a rewetting period. By sampling weekly over 3 months, we followed the dynamics of the representation of abundance-weighted traits in invertebrate assemblages in these treatment plants and in a control group. The functional structure of assemblages was drought resistant until the water volume in the bromeliad pools dropped by 90%, when there was a sudden shift in the functional trait structure due to the loss of most populations except the drought-resistant culicids. Traits related to life history, body size and preferred food showed significant responses to drought. There was a convergence in the functional traits of species surviving in dry plants, strengthening the idea that environmental filtering, rather than stochasticity, determines the functional trajectory of aquatic assemblages during drought. At the end of the dry period, samples of the detritus potentially containing drought-resistant eggs/cysts (and eventually live larvae) were taken from the dry plants and rewetted in the laboratory, allowing us to distinguish resistant species from those requiring recolonisation via subsequent oviposition by adults from elsewhere. Patches of water-filled bromeliads persisting in the area provided the most important pool of colonists, and communities returned to the pre-disturbance state within 1-2 weeks of rewetting. Our results suggest that the functional trait structure of invertebrate assemblages in bromeliads could remain stable under scenarios of precipitation change that would triple the duration of current dry periods at a local scale. Future experiments should evaluate how environmental factors might alter the tipping point between resistance to drought and a collapse in ecosystem processes. © 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.  
  Address IRD, UMR AMAP (botAnique et Modélisation de l'Architecture des Plantes et des vegetations), Boulevard de la Lironde, TA A-51/PS2, Montpellier Cedex 5, France  
  Corporate Author Thesis  
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  Language Summary Language Original Title  
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  Series Volume Series Issue Edition  
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  Area Expedition Conference  
  Notes Export Date: 27 August 2015 Approved no  
  Call Number EcoFoG @ webmaster @ Serial 616  
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