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Nixon, S.; Agwa, A.; Robinson, S.; Walker, A.; Touchard, A.; Schroeder, C.; Vetter, I.; Kotze, A.C.; Herzig, V.; King, G.F. Discovery and characterisation of novel peptides from Amazonian stinging ant venoms with antiparasitic activity 2020 Toxicon 177 S60 details   doi
Christensen-Dalsgaard, K.K.; Fournier, M.; Ennos, A.R.; Barfod, A.S. Changes in vessel anatomy in response to mechanical loading in six species of tropical trees 2007 New Phytologist 176 610-622 details   openurl
Yatabe, Y.; Kane, N.C.; Scotti-Saintagne, C.; Rieseberg, L.H. Rampant gene exchange across a strong reproductive barrier between the annual sunflowers, Helianthus annuus and H-petiolaris 2007 Genetics 175 1883-1893 details   openurl
Petit, M.; Céréghino, R.; Carrias, J.-F.; Corbara, B.; Dezerald, O.; Petitclerc, F.; Dejean, A.; Leroy, C. Are ontogenetic shifts in foliar structure and resource acquisition spatially conditioned in tank-bromeliads? 2014 Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 175 299-312 details   doi
Phillips, P.D.; de Azevedo, C.P.; Degen, B.; Thompson, I.S.; Silva, J.N.M.; van Gardingen, P.R. An individual-based spatially explicit simulation model for strategic forest management planning in the eastern Amazon 2004 Ecological Modelling 173 335-354 details   openurl
Stahl, C.; Herault, B.; Rossi, V.; Burban, B.; Bréchet, C.; Bonal, D. Depth of soil water uptake by tropical rainforest trees during dry periods: Does tree dimension matter? 2013 Oecologia 173 1191-1201 details   url
Maia, A.C.D.; Schlindwein, C.; Navarro, D.M.A.F.; Gibernau, M. Pollination of Philodendron Acutatum (Araceae) in the Atlantic Forest of Northeastern Brazil: A Single Scarab Beetle Species Guarantees High Fruit Set 2010 International Journal of Plant Sciences 171 740-748 details   openurl
Svensk, M.; Coste, S.; Gérard, B.; Gril, E.; Julien, F.; Maillard, P.; Stahl, C.; Leroy, C. Drought effects on resource partition and conservation among leaf ontogenetic stages in epiphytic tank bromeliads 2020 Physiologia Plantarum 170 488-507 details   doi
Scotti-Saintagne, C.; Mariette, S.; Porth, I.; Goicoechea, P.G.; Barreneche, T.; Bodenes, K.; Burg, K.; Kremer, A. Genome scanning for interspecific differentiation between two closely related oak species [Quercus robur L. and Q petraea (Matt.) Liebl.] 2004 Genetics 168 1615-1626 details   openurl
Barantal, S.; Roy, J.; Fromin, N.; Schimann, H.; Hattenschwiler, S. Long-term presence of tree species but not chemical diversity affect litter mixture effects on decomposition in a neotropical rainforest 2011 Oecologia 167 241-252 details   openurl
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