Author |
Title |
Year |
Publication |
Volume  |
Pages |
Links |
Dejean, A.; Carpenter, J.M.; Gibernau, M.; Leponce, M.; Corbara, B. |
Nest relocation and high mortality rate in a Neotropical social wasp: Impact of an exceptionally rainy La Nina year |
2010 |
Comptes Rendus Biologies |
333 |
35-40 |
Delabie, J.H.C.; Cereghino, R.; Groc, S.; Dejean, A.; Gibernau, M.; Corbara, B.; Dejean, A. |
Ants as biological indicators of Wayana Amerindian land use in French Guiana |
2009 |
Comptes Rendus Biologies |
332 |
673-684 |
Corbara, B.; Carpenter, J.M.; Cereghino, R.; Leponce, M.; Gibernau, M.; Dejean, A. |
Diversity and nest site selection of social wasps along Guianese forest edges: assessing the influence of arboreal ants |
2009 |
Comptes Rendus Biologies |
332 |
470-479 |
McClure, M.; Chouteau, M.; Dejean, A. |
Territorial aggressiveness on the arboreal ant Azteca alfari by Camponotus blandus in French Guiana due to behavioural constraints |
2008 |
Comptes Rendus Biologies |
331 |
663-667 |
Dejean, A.; Moreau, C.S.; Kenne, M.; Leponce, M. |
The raiding success of Pheidole megacephala on other ants in both its native and introduced ranges |
2008 |
Comptes Rendus Biologies |
331 |
631-635 |
Dejean, A.; Moreau, C.S.; Uzac, P.; Le Breton, J.; Kenne, M. |
The predatory behavior of Pheidole megacephala |
2007 |
Comptes Rendus Biologies |
330 |
701-709 |
Groc, S.; Delabie, J.H.C.; Cereghino, R.; Orivel, J.; Jaladeau, F.; Grangier, J.; Mariano, C.S.F.; Dejean, A. |
Ant species diversity in the 'Grands Causses' (Aveyron, France): In search of sampling methods adapted to temperate climates RID C-4034-2011 |
2007 |
Comptes Rendus Biologies |
330 |
913-922 |
Laurans, M.; Herault, B.; Vieilledent, G.; Vincent, G. |
Vertical stratification reduces competition for light in dense tropical forests |
2014 |
Forest Ecology and Management |
329 |
79-88 |
Guitet, S.; Sabatier, D.; Brunaux, O.; Herault, B.; Aubry-Kientz, M.; Molino, J.-F.; Baraloto, C. |
Estimating tropical tree diversity indices from forestry surveys: A method to integrate taxonomic uncertainty |
2014 |
Forest Ecology and Management |
328 |
270-281 |
Dulormne, M.; Musseau, O.; Muller, F.; Toribio, A.; Bâ, A. |
Effects of NaCl on growth, water status, N2 fixation, and ion distribution in Pterocarpus officinalis seedlings |
2010 |
Plant and Soil |
327 |
23-34 |