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Letort, V.; Heuret, P.; Zalamea, P.-C.; De Reffye, P.; Nicolini, E. Analysing the effects of local environment on the source-sink balance of Cecropia sciadophylla: A methodological approach based on model inversion 2012 Annals of Forest Science 69 167-180
Remy, C.C.; Fleury, M.; Beauchene, J.; Rivier, M.; Goli, T. Analysis of PAH Residues and Amounts of Phenols in Fish Smoked with Woods Traditionally Used in French Guiana 2016 Journal of Ethnobiology 36 312-325
Scotti, I.; Burelli, A.; Cattonaro, F.; Chagne, D.; Fuller, J.; Hedley, P.E.; Jansson, G.; Lalanne, C.; Madur, D.; Neale, D.; Plomion, C.; Powell, W.; Troggio, M.; Morgante, M. Analysis of the distribution of marker classes in a genetic linkage map: a case study in Norway spruce (Picea abies karst) 2005 Tree Genetics & Genomes 1 93-102
Levionnois, Sébastien ; Salmon, Camille ; Alméras, Tancrède ; Clair, Bruno ; Ziegler, Camille ; Coste, Sabrina ; Stahl, Clement ; Gonzalez-Melo, Andrés ; Heinz, Christine ; Heuret, Patrick Anatomies, vascular architectures, and mechanics underlying the leaf size-stem size spectrum in 42 Neotropical tree species 2021 Journal of Experimental Botany 72 7957–7969
Bremaud, I.; Gril, J.; Thibaut, B. Anisotropy of wood vibrational properties: dependence on grain angle and review of literature data 2011 Wood Science and Technology 45 735-754
Céréghino, R.; Corbara, B.; Hénaut, Y.; Bonhomme, C.; Compin, A.; Dejean, A. Ant and spider species as surrogates for functional community composition of epiphyte-associated invertebrates in a tropical moist forest 2019 Ecological Indicators 96 694-700
Lenoir, A.; Touchard, A.; Devers, S.; Christidès, J.-P.; Boulay, R.; Cuvillier-Hot, V. Ant cuticular response to phthalate pollution 2014 Environmental Science and Pollution Research 21 13446-13451
Groc, S.; Delabie, J.H.C.; Cereghino, R.; Orivel, J.; Jaladeau, F.; Grangier, J.; Mariano, C.S.F.; Dejean, A. Ant species diversity in the 'Grands Causses' (Aveyron, France): In search of sampling methods adapted to temperate climates RID C-4034-2011 2007 Comptes Rendus Biologies 330 913-922
Leroy, C.; Corbara, B.; Pélozuelo, L.; Carrias, J.-F.; Dejean, A.; Céréghino, R. Ant species identity mediates reproductive traits and allocation in an ant-garden bromeliad 2012 Annals of Botany 109 145-152
Dejean, A.; Azémar, F.; Libert, M.; Compin, A.; Herault, B.; Orivel, J.; Bouyer, T.; Corbara, B. Ant-lepidopteran associations along African forest edges 2017 The Science of Nature 104 7