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Dejean, A., Carpenter, J. M., Gibernau, M., Leponce, M., & Corbara, B. (2010). Nest relocation and high mortality rate in a Neotropical social wasp: Impact of an exceptionally rainy La Nina year. C. R. Biol., 333(1), 35–40.
Abstract: After noting the forecast of a La Nina episode, associated with heavy rainfall in French Guiana, we monitored the fate of wasp nests before and during the 2006 short rainy season. The population of the most abundant epiponine wasp species, Polybia bistriata, decreased dramatically during the short rainy season (60.6% of the nests disappeared) then remained low for at least 18 months. Colonies that survived moved from the shelter of large, low leaves (a situation well adapted to the previous dry season) of the most frequent substrate tree, Clusia grandiflora (Clusiaceae), to upper leaves, better ventilated and whose orientation provides good protection from the rain. Therefore, the possibility of moving the nest higher during the first rains following the dry season seems very adaptive as colonies that do not do so are eliminated during the La Nina years, whose frequency will increase with global climate change. (C) 2009 Academie des sciences. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Vespidae; Population size variation; Microevolution; La Nina; French Guiana
Delabie, J. H. C., Cereghino, R., Groc, S., Dejean, A., Gibernau, M., Corbara, B., et al. (2009). Ants as biological indicators of Wayana Amerindian land use in French Guiana. C. R. Biol., 332(7), 673–684.
Abstract: We examined the ecological impact of traditional land use by Wayana Amerindians in French Guiana using ants as bio-indicators. Ants were sampled through a rapid assessment method and the core results analyzed using Kohonen's self-organizing maps (SOM). Our sample sites included: (1) a Wayana village; (2) a cassava plantation; (3) an abandoned cassava plantation; (4) a forest fragment near the village; (5) a riparian forest; and (6) a primary terra firma forest. The ant diversity decreases according to the decree to which the habitat is disturbed. The SOM allowed us to compare the ecological succession between the six habitats. The protocol used is robust since the same conclusions were drawn using partial data. To cite this article: J.H.C Delabie et al., C R. Biologies 332 (2009). (C) 2009 Academie des sciences. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Landscape ecology; Traditional land use; Formicidae; Rapid assessment; Pit-fall traps; Self-Organizing Maps
Corbara, B., Carpenter, J. M., Cereghino, R., Leponce, M., Gibernau, M., & Dejean, A. (2009). Diversity and nest site selection of social wasps along Guianese forest edges: assessing the influence of arboreal ants. C. R. Biol., 332(5), 470–479.
Abstract: monitored), and estimate that we recorded up to 73% of the local social wasp fauna. This baseline study was complemented by a long-term survey of the same area and the examination of isolated trees (permitting us to record two additional species, resulting in a total of 63 wasp species). Our results form a continuum from species avoiding nesting on any plant (6.5% of the wasp species) to species nesting on plants but avoiding those sheltering ant nests (82%), to, finally, wasps nesting in association with arboreal ants known to divert army ant raids (11.5%). Consequently, this study documents that most wasp species select plants possibly repulsive to arboreal ants, while associations with arboreal ants, although confirmed here, have been overrepresented in the literature. To cite this article: B. Corbara et al., C. R. Biologies 332 (2009). (C) 2009 Academie des sciences. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Polistinae; Diversity; Nest site selection; Ant-wasp-plant interactions; French Guiana
McClure, M., Chouteau, M., & Dejean, A. (2008). Territorial aggressiveness on the arboreal ant Azteca alfari by Camponotus blandus in French Guiana due to behavioural constraints. C. R. Biol., 331(9), 663–667.
Abstract: This study reports new information on interactions between two sympatric ant species, the plant-ant Azteca alfari (Dolichoderinae) living in association with the myrmecophyte Cecropia obtusa (Cecropiaceae) and Camponotus blandus (Formicinae), a ground-nesting, arboreal-foraging species. Workers of A. alfari forage only on the foliage and the tipper parts of the trunk of their host Cecropia, while C. blandus nests in the ground but frequently forages and patrols pioneer tree foliage, including Cecropia. The activity pattern of A. alfari and the number of C. blandus on Cecropia obtusa was monitored hourly during a two-day period in a disturbed area in French Guiana. The maximum activity of C. blandus occurred between 8:30 and 12:30, at which time A. alfari had retreated within the domatia and were least present on the trunks. Even though aggressive confrontations were observed, C. blandus workers often initiate confrontations but do not prey on A. alfari nor exploit food bodies produced by Cecropia, the principal food source of A. alfari. Hence hostility appears to be the result of territoriality. Differences in their foraging rhythms are proposed as promoting resource and territory partitioning in this ant assemblage.
Keywords: Azteca alfari (Dolichoderinae); Camponotus blandus (Formicinae); foraging; rhythm of activity; territorial aggressiveness
Dejean, A., Moreau, C. S., Kenne, M., & Leponce, M. (2008). The raiding success of Pheidole megacephala on other ants in both its native and introduced ranges. C. R. Biol., 331(8), 631–635.
Abstract: We studied the behaviour of the invasive African myrmicine ant, Pheidole megacephala, when confronted with colonies of other common ant species in Cameroon, a part of its native range, and in Mexico, where it has been introduced. P. megacephala raided the nests of the other ants in both cases. Eleven species out of 12 put up a rather strong resistance to raiding P. megacephala workers in Cameroon compared to only three species out of 11 in Mexico, where only colonies of Solenopsis geminata, Dorymyrmex pyramicus and Dolichoderus bispinosus resisted these raids. We conclude that P. megacephala's heightened ability to successfully raid colonies of competing ants may help explain its success and the decline of native ants in areas where it has been introduced.
Keywords: invasive ants; predation; raiding other ants; recruitment
Dejean, A., Moreau, C. S., Uzac, P., Le Breton, J., & Kenne, M. (2007). The predatory behavior of Pheidole megacephala. C. R. Biol., 330(9), 701–709.
Abstract: We studied the foraging and predatory behaviors of the invasive African myrmicine ant, Pheidole megacephala (F.) in its native range. Workers can singly capture a wide range of insects, including relatively large prey items. For still larger prey, they recruit at short range those nestmates situated within reach of an alarm pheromone and together spread-eagle the insect. These behaviors are complimented by a long-range recruitment (of nestmates remaining in the nest) based on prey size. P. megacephala scouts also use long-range recruitment when they detect the landmarks of termites and competing ant species, thus permitting them to avoid confronting these termites and ants solitarily.
Keywords: Invasive ants; Landmarks; Pheidole megacephala; Predatory behavior; Recruitment; pheromone; ant; behavioral ecology; foraging behavior; invasive species; nest predation; pheromone; predator-prey interaction; animal experiment; ant; article; competitor species; controlled study; foraging behavior; host range; Isoptera; nest predation; nonhuman; predation; predator prey interaction; prey selection; species invasion; worker (insect); Animals; Ants; Feeding Behavior; Female; Isoptera; Predatory Behavior; Social Behavior; Formicidae; Hexapoda; Isoptera; Pheidole megacephala
Groc, S., Delabie, J. H. C., Cereghino, R., Orivel, J., Jaladeau, F., Grangier, J., et al. (2007). Ant species diversity in the 'Grands Causses' (Aveyron, France): In search of sampling methods adapted to temperate climates RID C-4034-2011. C. R. Biol., 330(12), 913–922.
Abstract: This study aimed at showing the applicability of using a combination of four sampling methods (i.e., Winkler extractors, pitfall traps, baiting and manual collection), something most often conducted in the tropics, to create an inventory of ant species diversity in temperate environments. We recorded a total of 33 ant species in the Grands Causses by comparing three vegetal formations: a steppic lawn ('causse' sensu stricto), which was the most species-rich (29 species), followed by an oak grove (22 species) and a pine forest (17 species). No sampling method alone is efficient enough to provide an adequate sampling, but their combination permits one to make a suitable inventory of the myrmecofauna and to obtain information on the ecology of these ant species.
Keywords: ant diversity; Grands Causses; sampling methods; temperate climate
Laurans, M., Herault, B., Vieilledent, G., & Vincent, G. (2014). Vertical stratification reduces competition for light in dense tropical forests. For. Ecol. Manage., 329, 79–88.
Abstract: Differential growth response to light level is widely accepted as a potential mechanism for maintaining tree species richness in tropical forests. The position of tree species in the hierarchy of the canopy is considered an important indicator of species light capture and growth strategy. Paradoxically, the relative importance of species identity and competition for light in determining individual tree growth is poorly documented at the adult stage. In this study, we used a hierarchical Bayesian model to quantify the overall importance of species identity, light and belowground competition as determinants of tree growth in French Guiana tropical forest. Light competitive status is assessed by a crown exposure score and below ground competition is estimated from local crowding. We examined species sensitivity to both types of competition in relation to adult stature. Our results are based on annual diameter increments of more than 13,510 stems from 282 species monitored over 10years. Mean annual growth rate was 0.11cmy-1 with species identity explaining 35% of the individual variation in growth rate. Crown exposure and local crowding explained 3.5% and 2.4% of the variation in growth rate, respectively. Predicted changes in growth rate as crown exposure (resp. local crowding) index changed from lower to upper interquartile level was 0.03cmy-1 (resp. 0.02cmy-1). Species sensitivity to crown exposure and to local crowding were positively correlated (i) with predicted growth rate at high-light standardized conditions and (ii) with adult stature.This vertical niche partitioning is invoked to explain the limited contribution made by level of light competition for predicting individual tropical tree growth as the community-level response is dominated by the abundance of small-statured species with low sensitivity to light level.Light appears to drive the stem growth rate of tropical trees through species differentiation more than through individual tree growth limitation. This vertical stratification complements the previously reported regeneration niche and together these provide evidence for light niche partitioning in the three-dimensional space of tropical forests. © 2014 Elsevier B.V.
Keywords: Adult stature; French Guiana; Hierarchical bayesian model; Local crowding; Niche partitioning; Bayesian networks; Growth rate; Adult stature; French Guiana; Hierarchical Bayesian modeling; Local crowding; Niche partitioning; Reforestation
Guitet, S., Sabatier, D., Brunaux, O., Herault, B., Aubry-Kientz, M., Molino, J. - F., et al. (2014). Estimating tropical tree diversity indices from forestry surveys: A method to integrate taxonomic uncertainty. For. Ecol. Manage., 328, 270–281.
Abstract: Analyses of tree diversity and community composition in tropical rain forests are usually based either on general herbarium data or on a restricted number of botanical plots. Despite their high taxonomic accuracy, both types of data are difficult to extrapolate to landscape scales. Meanwhile, forestry surveys provide quantitative occurrence data on large areas, and are thus increasingly used for landscape-scale analyses of tree diversity. However, the reliability of these approaches has been challenged because of the ambiguity of the common (vernacular) names used by foresters and the complexity of tree taxonomy in those hyper-diverse communities.We developed and tested a novel approach to evaluate taxonomic reliability of forestry surveys and to propagate the resulting uncertainty in the estimates of several diversity indicators (alpha and beta entropy, Fisher-alpha and Sørensen similarity). Our approach is based on Monte-Carlo processes that simulate communities by taking into account the expected accuracy and reliability of common names. We tested this method in French Guiana, on 9 one-hectare plots (4279 trees – DBH. ≥. 10. cm) for which both common names and standardized taxonomic determinations were available. We then applied our method of community simulation on large forestry inventories (560. ha) at the landscape scale and compared the diversity indices obtained for 10 sites with those computed from precise botanical determination situated at the same localities.We found that taxonomic reliability of forestry inventories varied from 22% (species level) to 83% (family level) in this Amazonian region. Indices computed directly with raw forestry data resulted in incorrect values, except for Gini-Simpson beta-diversity. On the contrary, our correction method provides more accurate diversity estimates, highly correlated with botanical measurements, for almost all diversity indices at both regional and local scales. We obtained a robust ranking of sites consistent with those shown by botanical inventories.These results show that (i) forestry inventories represent a significant part of taxonomic information, (ii) the relative diversity of regional sites can be successfully ranked using forestry inventory data using our method and (iii) forestry inventories can valuably contribute to the detection of large-scale diversity patterns when biases are well-controlled and corrected.The tools we developed as R-functions are available in supplementary material and can be adapted with local parameters to be used for forest management and conservation issues in other regional contexts. © 2014 Elsevier B.V.
Keywords: Diversity; French guiana; Landscape scale; Monte-Carlo process; Rainforest; Tree community; Reliability; Surveys; Timber; Uncertainty analysis; Diversity; French Guiana; Landscape scale; Rainforest; Tree community; Forestry; estimation method; forest inventory; herbarium; landscape; numerical model; species diversity; taxonomy; uncertainty analysis; Forestry; Forests; Reliability; Surveys; French Guiana
Dulormne, M., Musseau, O., Muller, F., Toribio, A., & Bâ, A. (2010). Effects of NaCl on growth, water status, N2 fixation, and ion distribution in Pterocarpus officinalis seedlings. Plant and Soil, 327(1), 23–34.
Abstract: Pterocarpus officinalis (Fabaceae) dominates in the swamp forests of the Lesser Antilles, submitted to strong variations of soil salinity (30-445 mM). This study aimed to assess the effect of salinity on growth, nodulation, N2 fixation, water status and ions content in P. officinalis and to clarify the mechanisms involved. Seedlings inoculated or not with two strains from areas of contrasting salinity levels (< to 50 or 445 mM) were watered with 0, 171 and 342 mM solutions of NaCl in greenhouse conditions. Non-inoculated seedlings were tolerant to a salinity of 171 mM, with no significant effect on seedling biomass. Evapotranspiration per unit of leaf area (E/TLa) remained unchanged at 171 mM. Maintenance of a constant E/TLa and especially the control of ion transport to the upper parts of the plant could explain seedling salt tolerance up to intermediate salinity conditions (171 mM). The two strains have a 99.8% genetic identity in spite of differences in their original habitats, this explaining the similar response of the symbiosis to salinity. The higher salt sensitivity of inoculated seedlings was linked to the sensitivity of both Bradyrhizobium strains (reduction of free-living cells) and to that of the nodulation process (fewer nodules and inhibition of N2-fixation) to intermediate salinity. © Springer Science + Business Media B.V. 2009.
Keywords: Bradyrhizobium; Leaf water potential; Nodulation; Salt; Swamp forest