General Information

Flight to Cayenne by Air France
You can buy your airline ticket on the Air France website : AirFrance
We have obtained a promotional fare; please use the link with this Identifying code (ID): 06904AF

Transport from Rochambeau Airport Rochambeau Airport is located 13, 5 km south-west of Cayenne. Unfortunately, there isn’t a train service or a bus that links Cayenne City with the Airport.
There will be special shuttle for the main arrival dates and times; please tell us as soon as possible the date and hour of your arrival at Cayenne.
Other ways to reach the city:
By minibus: for those arriving Saturday or Sunday afternoon, there will be a shuttle.
By taxi: There are many taxis available at the airport, but they can be expensive. We recommend that you request a fixed price from the airport to the city, approx. 30€.

From your hotel to the Conference Place
The conference will be held at the university Campus of Cayenne (PUG 2091 route de Baduel site de Troubiran -BP266-97326 Cayenne) located 3 km from downtown Cayenne.
(There will be a shuttle to reach the hotel from the University Campus; we will update this information as soon as possible).

The participant’s name badge will be provided at the registration desk. All participants are requested to wear the badge throughout the conference. Only badge holders will be admitted to the sessions.

Credit cards
Commonly accepted credit cards in hotels, restaurants and shops and on Conference registration are American Express, Visa, Master Card and Euro card. Restaurants and shops generally display signs indicating what cards they accept.

The currency in French Guiana is the Euro, €.
A currency calculation can be found online at

Neither the Conference Organizers nor the Conference Secretariat accepts any liability for personal injuries sustained, or for loss or damage to property belonging to conference participants, either during or as a result of the conference. It is strongly recommended that you purchase an insurance policy of your choice as you register for the conference and book your travel. The insurance should be purchased in your country of origin.

The official conference language is English. There will be no simultaneous interpretation.

Tourist information
For tourist information about Cayenne, French Guiana, please visit the web site:,
or contact the Tourist Centre. Open Monday-Saturday 07.30-13.00 hrs and 14.30-17.30 all days except Wed. and Fri. Phone: +00594 594 29 65 00. Fax: +00594 594 29 65 01. E-mail: 

Web site
Visit the conference web site for continuously updated information on the conference 6th Plant BioMechanics

Registration fees: 400 €
Registration fees include the following from 16th to 21th of November:

  • Lunch
  • Coffee break with refreshments
  • Transport (by special bus or car) from the hotel to conference site.
  • Proceeding

Please note that accommodation costs are NOT included in the Registration Fees.
Please pay the hotel directly at the beginning of your stay.

Method of payment
You need to choose a method of payment :

  • By Visa or MasterCard
  • By Bank account or Banker’s Draft