@Article{Henaut_etal2018, author="H{\'e}naut, Y. and Corbara, B. and Az{\'e}mar, F. and C{\'e}r{\'e}ghino, R. and D{\'e}zerald, O. and Dejean, A.", title="An arboreal spider protects its offspring by diving into the water of tank bromeliads", journal="Comptes Rendus Biologies", year="2018", volume="341", number="3", pages="196--199", optkeywords="Water used in protective behavior", optkeywords="Egg sacs", optkeywords="", optkeywords="Cocons", optkeywords="Eau utilis{\'e}e dans un comportement protecteur", abstract="Cupiennius salei (Ctenidae) individuals frequently live in association with tank bromeliads, including Aechmea bracteata, in Quintana Roo (Mexico). Whereas C. salei females without egg sacs hunt over their entire host plant, females carrying egg sacs settle above the A. bracteata reservoirs they have partially sealed with silk. There they avoid predators that use sight to detect their prey, as is known for many bird species. Furthermore, if a danger is more acute, these females dive with their egg sacs into the bromeliad reservoir. An experiment showed that this is not the case for males or females without egg sacs. In addition to the likely abundance of prey found therein, the potential of diving into the tank to protect offspring may explain the close association of this spider with bromeliads. These results show that, although arboreal, C. salei evolved a protective behavior using the water of tank bromeliads to protect offspring. R{\'e}sum{\'e} L{\textquoteright}araign{\'e}e Cupiennius salei (Ctenidae) vit souvent en association avec la brom{\'e}liac{\'e}e {\`a} r{\'e}servoir Aechmea bracteata. Dans le Quintana Roo (Mexique), les femelles qui transportent un cocon s{\textquoteright}installent au-dessus d{\textquoteright}un r{\'e}servoir d{\textquoteright}A. bracteata qu{\textquoteright}elles obstruent partiellement de voiles de soie pour se camoufler des pr{\'e}dateurs. En pr{\'e}sence de vibrations importantes et r{\'e}p{\'e}t{\'e}es, ces femelles plongent avec leur cocon dans l{\textquoteright}eau du r{\'e}servoir. Notre {\'e}tude montre que les autres adultes (m{\^a}les et femelles sans cocon) n{\textquoteright}utilisent pas les r{\'e}servoirs d{\textquoteright}eau. Ainsi, en plus de l{\textquoteright}abondance de proies, la possibilit{\'e} de pouvoir plonger pour prot{\'e}ger la descendance pourrait expliquer l{\textquoteright}association entre cette esp{\`e}ce d{\textquoteright}araign{\'e}e et les brom{\'e}liac{\'e}es. Nos exp{\'e}riences montrent que les femelles porteuses d{\textquoteright}un cocon manifestent une strat{\'e}gie de protection vis-{\`a}-vis des cocons et d{\textquoteright}elles-m{\^e}mes en s{\textquoteright}immergeant durant 30, voire 90minutes.", optnote="exported from refbase (http://php.ecofog.gf/refbase/show.php?record=823), last updated on Fri, 12 Oct 2018 15:21:16 -0300", issn="1631-0691", doi="10.1093/biolinnean/bly028", opturl="http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1631069118300222" }