PT Journal AU Fouquet, A Dubut, V Hataway, R Scotti-Saintagne, C Scotti, I Noonan, B TI Isolation and characterisation of 19 microsatellite loci from the Amazonian frog _Adenomera andreae_ (Amphibia: Anura: Leptodactylidae) SO Conservation Genetics Resources JI Conserv. Genet. Res. PY 2009 BP 217 EP 220 VL 1 IS 1 DI 10.1007/s12686-009-9053-4 DE Biomedicine AB Nineteen novel microsatellite loci were isolated from Adenomera andreae, a widespread Amazonian frog considered to be a species complex. Three multiplex kits were optimized. Genetic diversity was assessed in 66 individuals sampled in three populations along the West of the Approuague River catchment (French Guiana). We also tested the multiplex kits in four other Adenomera and nine Leptodactylus species with 43.4 and 17.5% success respectively. ER