PT Journal AU Ruelle, J Beauchene, J Thibaut, A Thibaut, B TI Comparison of physical and mechanical properties of tension and opposite wood from ten tropical rainforest trees from different species SO Annals of Forest Science JI Ann. For. Sci. PY 2007 BP 503 EP 510 VL 64 IS 5 DE tension wood; opposite wood; tropical rainforest; physical and mechanical properties AB On 10 trees from 10 species of French Guyana tropical rainforest in a clear active process of restoring verticality growth strains were measured in situ in order to determine the occurrence of tension wood within samples. Wood specimens were cut in the vicinity of the growth strains measurements in order to measure some mechanical and physical properties. As suspected, tensile growth strains was very much higher in tension wood zone, because longitudinal modulus of elasticity was slightly higher. Longitudinal shrinkage was also much higher in tension wood than in opposite wood. ER