%0 Journal Article %T Discovery and characterisation of novel peptides from Amazonian stinging ant venoms with antiparasitic activity %A Nixon, S. %A Agwa, A. %A Robinson, S. %A Walker, A. %A Touchard, A. %A Schroeder, C. %A Vetter, I. %A Kotze, A.C. %A Herzig, V. %A King, G.F. %J Toxicon %D 2020 %V 177 %N 1 %I NLM (Medline) %@ 18793150 (Issn) %F Nixon_etal2020 %O exported from refbase (http://php.ecofog.gf/refbase/show.php?record=973), last updated on Tue, 05 Jan 2021 14:04:47 -0300 %U http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.toxicon.2019.12.139 %P S60