%0 Journal Article %T Effect of provenance on the chemical and microbiological quality of essential oils of Rosmarinus officinalis L. in Morocco %A Khia, A. %A Ghanmi, M. %A Satrani, B. %A Aafi, A. %A Aberchane, M. %A Quaboul, B. %A Chaouch, A. %A Amusant, N. %A Charrouf, Z. %J Phytotherapie %D 2014 %V 12 %N 6 %F Khia_etal2014 %O Export Date: 31 December 2014 %O exported from refbase (http://php.ecofog.gf/refbase/show.php?record=574), last updated on Wed, 31 Dec 2014 12:09:48 -0300 %X This study is an assessment of the chemical quality and evaluation of antibacterial and antifungal activity of rosemary’s essential oils from three regions of Morocco (Rchida and Berkine/Eastern Morocco and Aknoul/North East of Morocco. The essential oils obtained by hydrodistillation of the leaves and young twigs of rosemary, were analyzed by GC / FID and GC/ MS. These essential oils are characterized by the presence of α and β-pinene, camphene, 1,8-cineole and camphor compounds. The quality of these essential oils met the AFNOR NF ISO 4730 rosemary Morocco kind (1,8-cineole). The evaluation of the antimicrobial activity of essential oils of Rosmarinus officinalis showed low efficacy against microorganisms tested which were all inhibited from 1/100 v/v except for Penicillium expansum whose growth was stopped at the concentration 1/250 v/v. %K Antibacterial %K Antifungal activity %K Chemical composition %K Essential Oil %K Provenance %K Rosmarinus officinalis %U http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84919339382&partnerID=40&md5=653c7ec3c76d1315b71765538d0ac7ea %P 341-347