%0 Journal Article %T Links between tree structure and functional leaf traits in the tropical forest tree Dicorynia guianensis Amshoff (Caesalpiniaceae) %A Roggy, J.C. %A Nicolini, E. %A Imbert, P. %A Caraglio, Y. %A Bosc, A. %A Heuret, P. %J Annals of Forest Science %D 2005 %V 62 %N 6 %I EDP SCIENCES S A %@ 1286-4560 %F Roggy_etal2005 %O ISI:000232084400009 %O exported from refbase (http://php.ecofog.gf/refbase/show.php?record=229), last updated on Wed, 04 May 2011 14:05:11 -0300 %X This study looked at the interactive effects of tree architectural stage of development (ASD) and light availability on different plant traits (growth parameters, leaf morpho-anatomy and photosynthetic capacities) in the tropical species Dicorynia guianensis. A qualitative architectural analysis was used to categorize tree individuals sampled along a natural light gradient. The results show that some traits could have an ASD-dependence at the whole plant and leaf level without control of light. The changes observed relate to vigour thresholds the plant has to reach to shift from one ASD to another (i.e., the number of nodes and the internodes length per Growth Unit). Light conditions do not modify these thresholds but may modify the time they are crossed. Tree height was found strongly modulated by light conditions; hence, at a similar height, individuals may belong to different ASD. At the functional level, a decrease in N-m, and A(maxm) was observed with increasing light availability, while N-a increased and A(maxa) remained unaffected. An ASD effect was also observed on Amaxa and LMA but not on Amaxm. These results demonstrated a weak ability of photosynthetic plasticity in response to light conditions, and that variations of leaf photosynthetic variables according to ASD can be explained by modifications in leaf nitrogen and LMA. Questions on the reliability of a height-based sampling strategy for evaluating the phenotypic plasticity of trees in relation to light conditions are raised. %K Dicorynia guianensis %K leaf structure %K functional leaf traits %K plasticity %K tree structure %P 553-564