@Article{Mayer_etal2017, author="Mayer, V.E. and Lauth, J. and Orivel, J.", title="Convergent structure and function of mycelial galleries in two unrelated Neotropical plant-ants", journal="Insectes Sociaux", year="2017", volume="64", number="3", pages="365--371", abstract="The construction process and use of galleries by Azteca brevis (Myrmicinae: Dolichoderinae) inhabiting Tetrathylacium macrophyllum (Salicaceae) were compared with Allomerus decemarticulatus (Myrmicinae: Solenopsidini) galleries on Hirtella physophora (Chrysobalanaceae). Though the two ant species are phylogenetically distant, the gallery structure seems to be surprisingly similar and structurally convergent: both are pierced with numerous holes and both ant species use Chaetothyrialean fungi to strengthen the gallery walls. Al. decemarticulatus is known to use the galleries for prey capture and whether this is also the case for Az. brevis was tested in field experiments. We placed Atta workers as potential prey/threat on the galleries and recorded the behaviour of both ant species. We found considerable behavioural differences between them: Al. decemarticulatus was quicker and more efficient at capture than was Az. brevis. While most Atta workers were captured after the first 5~min by Al. decemarticulatus, significantly fewer were captured by Az. brevis even after 20~min. Moreover, the captured Atta were sometimes simply discarded and not taken to the nest by Az. brevis. As a consequence, the major function of the galleries built by Az. brevis may, therefore, be defense against intruders in contrast to Al. decemarticulatus which uses them mainly for prey capture. This may be due to a higher need for protein in Al. decemarticulatus compared to coccid-raising Az. brevis.", optnote="exported from refbase (http://php.ecofog.gf/refbase/show.php?record=784), last updated on Tue, 09 Jan 2018 18:43:05 -0300", issn="1420-9098", doi="10.1007/s00040-017-0554-y", opturl="https://doi.org/10.1007/s00040-017-0554-y", file=":http://php.ecofog.gf/refbase/files/mayer/2017/784\textit{Mayer}etal2017.pdf:PDF" }