@Article{Rossi_etal2015, author="Rossi, V. and Dolley, T. and Cornu, G. and Guitet, S. and Herault, B.", title="GuyaSim : un outil d{\textquoteright}aide {\`a} la d{\'e}cision pour l{\textquoteright}am{\'e}nagement d{\textquoteright}un territoire forestier, la Guyane", journal="Bois et Forets des Tropiques", year="2015", volume="326", number="4", pages="67--78", optkeywords="GIS software", optkeywords="scenarios", optkeywords="ecosystem services", optkeywords="simulator", optkeywords="biodiversity", optkeywords="carbon stock", optkeywords="biomass", optkeywords="logging", optkeywords="deforestation", optkeywords="land use changes", optkeywords="tropical forest", optkeywords="French Guiana", abstract="Planning policies for rapid development in French Guiana will require the conversion of forested areas, thus contributing to glo- bal warming. Guiana{\textquoteright}s policy-makers will need to integrate the preservation of eco- system services into their planning deci- sions. The GuyaSim project was conduc- ted to produce more in-depth knowledge on these services (carbon sequestration, biodiversity and soil quality) and to trans- fer a software application, GuyaSim, to policy-makers to facilitate the use of this knowledge in the development of plan- ning policies. This article presents the characteristics of the application. Guya- Sim is a freeware package of the GIS type designed initially for local authority plan- ners and forestry departments in French Guiana. The application has two main functions:information delivery and sup-port for planning decisions. The informa- tion provided includes socio-economic development scenarios, climate scenarios and valuations of ecosystem services. The decision-support component consists of tools for building planning scenarios (land use changes) and forestry scenarios (log- ging), with information on their environ- mental impacts. The functionalities of the software are currently limited by the state of knowledge on Guiana{\textquoteright}s ecosystems. Advances made through current research projects are expected to upgrade the application in the medium term.", optnote="exported from refbase (http://php.ecofog.gf/refbase/show.php?record=666), last updated on Thu, 25 Feb 2016 16:09:07 -0300" }