@Article{Dejean_etal2015, author="Dejean, A. and Ryder, S. and Bolton, B. and Compin, A. and Leponce, M. and Az{\'e}mar, F. and C{\'e}r{\'e}ghino, R. and Orivel, J. and Corbara, B.", title="How territoriality and host-tree taxa determine the structure of ant mosaics", journal="The Science of Nature", year="2015", volume="102", number="33", pages="1--9", optkeywords="Africa", optkeywords="Arboreal ants", optkeywords="Distribution", optkeywords="Host-tree selection", optkeywords="Rainforest canopies", abstract="Very large colonies of territorially dominant arboreal ants (TDAAs), whose territories are distributed in a mosaic pattern in the canopies of many tropical rainforests and tree crop plantations, have a generally positive impact on their host trees. We studied the canopy of an old Gabonese rainforest (ca 4.25 ha sampled, corresponding to 206 Blarge trees) at a stage just preceding forest maturity (the Caesalpinioideae dominated; the Burseraceae were abundant). The tree crowns sheltered colonies from 13 TDAAs plus a codominant species out of the 25 ant species recorded. By mapping the TDAAs{\textquoteright} territories and using a null model cooccurrence analysis, we confirmed the existence of an ant mosaic. Thanks to a large sampling set and the use of the self-organizing map algorithm (SOM), we show that the distribution of the trees influences the structure of the ant mosaic, suggesting that each tree taxon attracts certain TDAA species rather than others. The SOMalso improved our knowledge of the TDAAs{\textquoteright} ecological niches, showing that these ant species are ecologically distinct from each other based on their relationships with their supporting trees. Therefore, TDAAs should not systematically be placed in the same functional group even when they belong to the same genus.We conclude by reiterating that, in addition to the role played by TDAAs{\textquoteright} territorial competition, host trees contribute to structuring ant mosaics through multiple factors, including host-plant selection by TDAAs, the age of the trees, the presence of extrafloral nectaries, and the taxa of the associated hemipterans. {\textcopyright} Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2015.", optnote="Export Date: 16 October 2015", optnote="exported from refbase (http://php.ecofog.gf/refbase/show.php?record=632), last updated on Sat, 02 Jan 2016 17:15:44 -0300", opturl="http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84943260158&partnerID=40&md5=85e29831bde175b202d15b7fb760b8ba" }