@Article{Hamadi_etal2015, author="Hamadi, A. and Borderies, P. and Albinet, C. and Koleck, T. and Villard, L. and Ho Tong Minh, D. and Le Toan, T. and Burban, B.", title="Temporal coherence of tropical forests at P-band: Dry and rainy seasons", journal="IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters", year="2015", publisher="Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.", volume="12", number="3", pages="557--561", optkeywords="Biomass mission", optkeywords="forest scattering", optkeywords="ground-based experiment", optkeywords="P-band", optkeywords="range impulse response", optkeywords="temporal coherence", abstract="In this letter, the temporal coherence of tropical forest scattering at P-band is addressed by means of a ground-based experiment. The study is based on the TropiScat campaign in French Guiana, designed to support the Biomass mission, which will be the ESA 7th Earth Explorer mission. For Biomass, temporal coherence is a crucial parameter for coherent processing of polarimetric synthetic aperture radar (SAR) interferometry and SAR tomography in repeat-pass acquisitions. During the experiment, data were continuously collected for six months during both the rainy and dry seasons. For the rain-free days in both seasons, the coherence exhibits a daily cycle showing a high decorrelation during daytime, which is likely due to motion in the canopy. Up to a 20-day baseline, the coherence is much higher in the dry season than in the rainy season (> 0.8). From 20 to 40 days, it presents the same order of magnitude in both seasons [0.6, 0.7]. For larger temporal baselines, it becomes lower in the dry season. The results can be used to assess the long-term coherence of repeat-pass observations over a tropical forest. However, an extension of this study to several years and over other forest spots would be necessary to draw more general conclusions.", optnote="Export Date: 21 October 2014; Correspondence Address: Hamadi, A.; Centre d{\textquoteright}Etudes Spatiales de la Biosph{\`e}reFrance; Funding Details: ESA, European Space Agency", optnote="exported from refbase (http://php.ecofog.gf/refbase/show.php?record=563), last updated on Tue, 29 Nov 2016 09:56:15 -0300", issn="1545598x (Issn)", opturl="http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84907426293&partnerID=40&md5=62b9c518dc917c209cb0eb3c5818dfbc" }