@Article{Delnatte+Meyer2012, author="Delnatte, C. and Meyer, J.-Y.", title="Plant introduction, naturalization, and invasion in French Guiana (South America)", journal="Biological Invasions", year="2012", volume="14", number="5", pages="915--927", optkeywords="Acacia mangium", optkeywords="French Guiana", optkeywords="Invasive plant", optkeywords="Melaleuca quinquenervia", optkeywords="Naturalization", optkeywords="Savanna", abstract="Continental tropical ecosystems are generally viewed as less vulnerable to biological invasions than island ones. Their apparent resistance to invasive alien species is often attributed to their higher native biota diversity and complexity. However, with the increase of human activities and disturbances and the accelerate rate of introductions of plant species, these apparently resilient continental ecosystems are now experiencing alien plant naturalization and invasion events. In order to illustrate this emergent phenomenon, we compiled a list of all known introduced and naturalized plant species in French Guiana (Guiana Shield, South America). A total of 490 alien plants were recorded, about 34\% of which are currently naturalized, mainly species belonging to the Acanthaceae and Fabaceae (Faboideae) in the Eudicotyledons, and Poaceae (grasses) and Arecaceae (palms) in the Monocotyledons. The coastal dry and wet savannas appears to be vulnerable to plant invasion (with 165 naturalized species, about 34\% of the alien flora), especially by Acacia mangium (Mimosaceae) and Melaleuca quinquenervia (Myrtaceae) which are forming localized but dense monotypic stands. Both tree species, intentionnally introduced for reforestation, rehabilitation, and as garden ornamentals and have the potential to spread with increasing human disturbances The number and abundance of naturalized alien plants in the relatively undisturbed tropical lowland rainforests and savannas remains still very low. Therefore, surveillance, early detection, and eradication of potential plant invaders are crucial; moreover collaboration with neighbouring countries of the Guiana Shield is essential to prevent the introduction of potentially invasive species which are still not present in French Guiana. {\textcopyright} 2011 Springer Science+Business Media B.V.", optnote="Export Date: 2 May 2012; Source: Scopus; Coden: Blinf; doi: 10.1007/s10530-011-0129-1; Language of Original Document: English; Correspondence Address: Delnatte, C.; Herbier de Guyane, Institut de Recherche pour le D{\'e}veloppement, B.P. 165, Cayenne, French Guiana; email: cesar\_delnatte@yahoo.fr", optnote="exported from refbase (http://php.ecofog.gf/refbase/show.php?record=399), last updated on Wed, 02 May 2012 09:58:54 -0300", issn="13873547 (Issn)", opturl="http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84859816493&partnerID=40&md5=99cbe1929293fd8ea9b2f71708c8ae27" }