@Article{VanLangenhove_etal2021, author="Van Langenhove, Leandro and Depaepe, Thomas and Verryckt, Lore T. and Fuchslueger, Lucia and Donald, Julian and Celine, Leroy and Krishna Moorthy, Sruthi M. and Gargallo-Garriga, Albert and Farnon Ellwood, M. D. and Verbeeck, Hans and Van Der Straeten, Dominique and Penuelas, Josep and Janssens, Ivan A.", title="Comparable canapy and soil free living nitrogen fixation rates in e lowland tropical forest", journal="Science of the total environment", year="2021", publisher="Elsevier", volume="754", optkeywords="Biodiversit{\'e}", optkeywords="Syst{\'e}matique", optkeywords="phylog{\'e}nie", optkeywords="taxonomie", optkeywords="Ecologie", optkeywords="Environnement", optkeywords="Ecosyst{\`e}mes", optkeywords="Biologie v{\'e}g{\'e}tale", optkeywords="Botanique", abstract="Biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) is a fundamental part of nitrogen cycling in tropical forests, yet little is known about the contribution made by free-living nitrogen fixers inhabiting the often-extensive forest canopy. We used the acetylene reduction assay, calibrated with 15N2, to measure free-living BNF on forest canopy leaves, vascular epiphytes, bryophytes and canopy soil, as well as on the forest floor in leaf litter and soil. We used a combination of calculated and published component densities to upscale free-living BNF rates to the forest level. We found that bryophytes and leaves situated in the canopy in particular displayed high mass-based rates of free-living BNF. Additionally, we calculated that nearly 2 kg of nitrogen enters the forest ecosystem through free-living BNF every year, 40\% of which was fixed by the various canopy components. Our results reveal that in the studied tropical lowland forest a large part of the nitrogen input through free-living BNF stems from the canopy, but also that the total nitrogen inputs by free-living BNF are lower than previously thought and comparable to the inputs of reactive nitrogen by atmospheric deposition.", optnote="exported from refbase (http://php.ecofog.gf/refbase/show.php?record=1006), last updated on Tue, 19 Jul 2022 11:20:36 -0300", doi="10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.142202", language="Anglais" }