Author |
Title |
Year  |
Publication |
Volume |
Pages |
Bardet, S.; Beauchene, J.; Thibaut, B. |
Influence of basic density and temperature on mechanical properties perpendicular to grain of ten wood tropical species |
2003 |
Annals of Forest Science |
60 |
49-59 |
Sist, P.; Fimbel, R.; Sheil, D.; Nasi, R.; Chevallier, M.H. |
Towards sustainable management of mixed dipterocarp forests of South-east Asia: moving beyond minimum diameter cutting limits |
2003 |
Environmental Conservation |
30 |
364-374 |
Sist, P.; Picard, N.; Gourlet-Fleury, S. |
Sustainable cutting cycle and yields in a lowland mixed dipterocarp forest of Borneo |
2003 |
Annals of Forest Science |
60 |
803-814 |
Sist, P.; Sheil, D.; Kartawinata, K.; Priyadi, H. |
Reduced-impact logging in Indonesian Borneo: some results confirming the need for new silvicultural prescriptions |
2003 |
Forest Ecology and Management |
179 |
415-427 |
Latouche-Hallé, C.; Ramboer, A.; Bandou, E.; Caron, H.; Kremer, A. |
Nuclear and chloroplast genetic structure indicate fine-scale spatial dynamics in a neotropical tree population |
2003 |
Heredity |
91 |
181-190 |
Baraloto, C.; Goldberg, D.E. |
Microhabitat associations and seedling bank dynamics in a neotropical forest |
2004 |
Oecologia |
141 |
701-712 |
Phillips, P.D.; Thompson, I.S.; Silva, J.N.M.; van Gardingen, P.R.; Degen, B. |
Scaling up models of tree competition for tropical forest population genetics simulation |
2004 |
Ecological Modelling |
180 |
419-434 |
Eva, H.D.; Belward, A.S.; De Miranda, E.E.; Di Bella, C.M.; Gond, V.; Huber, O.; Jones, S.; Sgrenzaroli, M.; Fritz, S. |
A land cover map of South America |
2004 |
Global Change Biology |
10 |
731-744 |
Roggy, J.C.; Moiroud, A.; Lensi, R.; Domenach, A.M. |
Estimating N transfers between N-2-fixing actinorhizal species and the non-N-2-fixing Prunus avium under partially controlled conditions |
2004 |
Biology and Fertility of Soils |
39 |
312-319 |
Latouche-Halle, C.; Ramboer, A.; Bandou, E.; Caron, H.; Kremer, A. |
Long-distance pollen flow and tolerance to selfing in a neotropical tree species |
2004 |
Molecular Ecology |
13 |
1055-1064 |