Author |
Title |
Year |
Publication |
Volume |
Pages |
Dejean, A.; Leroy, C.; Corbara, B.; Roux, O.; Cereghino, R.; Orivel, J.; Boulay, R. |
Arboreal Ants Use the "Velcro (R) Principle'' to Capture Very Large Prey |
2010 |
PLoS One |
5 |
e11331 |
Brouard, O.; Le Jeune, A.H.; Leroy, C.; Cereghino, R.; Roux, O.; Pelozuelo, L.; Dejean, A.; Corbara, B.; Carrias, J.F. |
Are Algae Relevant to the Detritus-Based Food Web in Tank-Bromeliads? |
2011 |
PLoS One |
6 |
e20129 |
Wagner, F.; Rossi, V.; Baraloto, C.; Bonal, D.; Stahl, C.; Herault, B. |
Are commonly measured functional traits involved in tropical tree responses to climate? |
2014 |
International Journal of Ecology |
2014 |
Gourlet-Fleury, S.; Gazull, L.; Bigombe Logo, P.; Billand, A.; Bolaluembe, P.-C.; Boyemba, F.; Dessard, H.; Doucet, J.-L.; Doumenge, C.; Dubiez, E.; Durrieu De Madron, L.; Feintrenie, L.; Fomete, T.; Garcia, C.; Gillet, J.-F.; Herault, B.; Karsenty, A.; Menga, P.; Ngoya Kessy, A.M.; Pietsch, S.; Putz, J.; Rossi, V.; Sayer, J.; Sist, P.; Zongang Ngongang, A.A. |
Are logging concessions a threat to the peatlands in DRC? |
2017 |
Bois et Forets des Tropiques |
3-6 |
Dejean, A.; Delabie, J.H.C.; Cerdan, P.; Gibernau, M.; Corbara, B. |
Are myrmecophytes always better protected against herbivores than other plants? |
2006 |
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society |
89 |
91-98 |
Petit, M.; Céréghino, R.; Carrias, J.-F.; Corbara, B.; Dezerald, O.; Petitclerc, F.; Dejean, A.; Leroy, C. |
Are ontogenetic shifts in foliar structure and resource acquisition spatially conditioned in tank-bromeliads? |
2014 |
Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society |
175 |
299-312 |
Christensen-Dalsgaard, K.K.; Ennos, A.R.; Fournier, M. |
Are radial changes in vascular anatomy mechanically induced or an ageing process? Evidence from observations on buttressed tree root systems |
2008 |
Trees-Structure and Function |
22 |
543-550 |
Basset, Y.; Cizek, L.; Cuénoud, P.; Didham, R.K.; Novotny, V.; Ødegaard, F.; Roslin, T.; Tishechkin, A.K.; Schmidl, J.; Winchester, N.N.; Roubik, D.W.; Aberlenc, H.-P.; Bail, J.; Barrios, H.; Bridle, J.R.; Castaño-Meneses, G.; Corbara, B.; Curletti, G.; Duarte da Rocha, W.; De Bakker, D.; Delabie, J.H.C.; Dejean, A.; Fagan, L.L.; Floren, A.; Kitching, R.L.; Medianero, E.; Gama de Oliveira, E.; Orivel, J.; Pollet, M.; Rapp, M.; Ribeiro, S.P.; Roisin, Y.; Schmidt, J.B.; Sørensen, L.; Lewinsohn, T.M.; Leponce, M. |
Arthropod Distribution in a Tropical Rainforest: Tackling a Four Dimensional Puzzle |
2015 |
10 |
e0144110 |
Basset, Y.; Cizek, L.; Cuénoud, P.; Didham, R.K.; Guilhaumon, F.; Missa, O.; Novotny, V.; Ødegaard, F.; Roslin, T.; Schmidl, J.; Tishechkin, A.K.; Winchester, N.N.; Roubik, D.W.; Aberlenc, H.-P.; Bail, J.; Barrios, H.; Bridle, J.R.; Castaño-Meneses, G.; Corbara, B.; Curletti, G.; Da Rocha, W.D.; De Bakker, D.; Delabie, J.H.C.; Dejean, A.; Fagan, L.L.; Floren, A.; Kitching, R.L.; Medianero, E.; Miller, S.E.; De Oliveira, E.G.; Orivel, J.; Pollet, M.; Rapp, M.; Ribeiro, S.P.; Roisin, Y.; Schmidt, J.B.; Sørensen, L.; Leponce, M. |
Arthropod diversity in a tropical forest |
2012 |
Science |
338 |
1481-1484 |
Siebicke, L.; Hunner, M.; Foken, T. |
Aspects of CO 2 advection measurements |
2012 |
Theoretical and Applied Climatology |
109 |
109-131 |