Author |
Title  |
Year |
Publication |
Volume |
Pages |
Groc, S.; Delabie, J.H.C.; Longino, J.T.; Orivel, J.; Majer, J.D.; Vasconcelos, H.L.; Dejean, A. |
A new method based on taxonomic sufficiency to simplify studies on Neotropical ant assemblages |
2010 |
Biological Conservation |
143 |
2832-2839 |
Marti, G.; Eparvier, V.; Litaudon, M.; Grellier, P.; Gueritte, F. |
A New Xanthone from the Bark Extract of Rheedia acuminata and Antiplasmodial Activity of Its Major Compounds |
2010 |
Molecules |
15 |
7106-7114 |
Roux, O.; Martin, J.M.; Ghomsi, N.T.; Dejean, A. |
A Non-lethal Water-based Removal-reapplication Technique for Behavioral Analysis of Cuticular Compounds of Ants |
2009 |
Journal of Chemical Ecology |
35 |
904-912 |
Perrot, T.; Guillaume, S.; Nadine, A.; Jacques, B.; Philippe, G.; Stéphane, D.; Rodnay, S.; Mélanie, M.-R.; Eric, G. |
A reverse chemical ecology approach to explore wood natural durability |
2020 |
Microbial Biotechnology |
13 |
1673-1677 |
Marcon, E.; Traissac, S.; Lang, G. |
A Statistical Test for Ripley’s Function Rejection of Poisson Null Hypothesis |
2013 |
ISRN Ecology |
2013 |
9 |
Hénaut, Y.; Corbara, B.; Pélozuelo, L.; Azémar, F.; Céréghino, R.; Herault, B.; Dejean, A. |
A tank bromeliad favors spider presence in a neotropical inundated forest |
2014 |
9 |
e114592 |
Dejean, A.; Leroy, C.; Corbara, B.; Cereghino, R.; Roux, O.; Herault, B.; Rossi, V.; Guerrero, R.J.; Delabie, J.H.C.; Orivel, J.; Boulay, R. |
A temporary social parasite of tropical plant-ants improves the fitness of a myrmecophyte |
2010 |
Naturwissenschaften |
97 |
925-934 |
Ollivier, M.; Baraloto, C.; Marcon, E. |
A trait database for Guianan rain forest trees permits intra- and inter-specific contrasts |
2007 |
Annals of Forest Science |
64 |
781-786 |
Martin, J.M.; Roux, O.; Groc, S.; Dejean, A. |
A type of unicoloniality within the native range of the fire ant Solenopsis saevissima |
2011 |
Comptes Rendus Biologies |
334 |
307-310 |
Marcon, E.; Puech, F. |
A typology of distance-based measures of spatial concentration |
2017 |
Regional Science and Urban Economics |
62 |
56-67 |