Author |
Title |
Year |
Publication  |
Volume |
Pages |
Links |
Schimann, H.; Vleminckx, J.; Baraloto, C.; Engel, J.; Jaouen, G.; Louisanna, E.; Manzi, S.; Sagne, A.; Roy, M. |
Tree communities and soil properties influence fungal community assembly in neotropical forests |
2020 |
Biotropica |
52 |
444-456 |
Audigeos, D.; Buonamici, A.; Belkadi, L.; Rymer, P.; Boshier, D.; Scotti-Saintagne, C.; Vendramin, G.G.; Scotti, I. |
Aquaporins in the wild: natural genetic diversity and selective pressure in the PIP gene family in five Neotropical tree species |
2010 |
BMC Evolutionary Biology |
10 |
18 |
Brousseau, L.; Tinaut, A.; Duret, C.; Lang, T.; Garnier-Gere, P.; Scotti, I. |
High-throughput transcriptome sequencing and preliminary functional analysis in four Neotropical tree species |
2014 |
BMC Genomics |
15 |
1-13 |
Morel, H.; Nicolini, E.; Bossu, J.; Blanc, L.; Beauchene, J. |
Qualité et usages du bois de cinq espèces forestières adaptées à la plantation à vocation de bois d’oeuvre et testées en Guyane française |
2017 |
Bois & Forêts des Tropiques |
334 |
61-74 |
Guitet, S.; Blanc, L.; Trombe, P.J.; Lehallier, B. |
Silvicultural Treatments in the Tropical Forests of Guiana: A Review of Ten Years of Trials |
2009 |
Bois et Forets des Tropiques |
63 |
7-19 |
Gond, V.; Guitet, S. |
Remote Sensing in Post-Logging Diagnoses for Forest Management in French Guiana |
2009 |
Bois et Forets des Tropiques |
63 |
5-13 |
Tahiri, A.; Amissa Adima, A.; Adjé, F.A.; Amusant, N. |
Pesticide effects and screening of extracts of Azadirachta Indica (A.) Juss. on the Macrotermes bellicosus rambur termite |
2011 |
Bois et Forets des Tropiques |
65 |
79-88 |
Tritsch, I.; Gond, V.; Oszwald, J.; Davy, D.; Grenand, P. |
Territorial dynamics in the wayãpi and teko amerindian communities of the middle oyapock, camopi, French Guiana |
2012 |
Bois et Forets des Tropiques |
66 |
49-61 |
Sist, P.; Blanc, L.; Mazzei, L.; Baraloto, C.; Aussenac, R. |
Current knowledge on overall post-logging biomass dynamics in Northern Amazonian forests |
2012 |
Bois et Forets des Tropiques |
66 |
41-49 |
Vincent, G.; Caron, F.; Sabatier, D.; Blanc, L. |
LiDAR shows that higher forests have more slender trees |
2012 |
Bois et Forets des Tropiques |
66 |
51-56 |