Author  |
Title |
Year |
Publication |
Volume |
Pages |
Coutand, C.; Chevolot, M.; Lacointe, A.; Rowe, N.; Scotti, I. |
Mechanosensing of stem bending and its interspecific variability in five neotropical rainforest species |
2010 |
Annals of Botany |
105 |
341-347 |
Coutand, C.; Dupraz, C.; Jaouen, G.; Ploquin, S.; Adam, B. |
Mechanical stimuli regulate the allocation of biomass in trees: Demonstration with young Prunus avium trees |
2008 |
Annals of Botany |
101 |
1421-1432 |
Coutand, C.; Fournier, M.; Moulia, B. |
The gravitropic response of poplar trunks: Key roles of prestressed wood regulation and the relative kinetics of cambial growth versus wood maturation |
2007 |
Plant Physiology |
144 |
1166-1180 |
Coutant, Opale ; Richard-Hansen, Cecile ; de Thoisy, Benoit ; Decotte, Jean-Baptiste ; Valentini, Alice ; Dejean, Tony ; Vigouroux, Régis ; Murienne, Jérôme ; Brosse, Sébastien |
Amazonian mammal monitoring using aquatic environmental DNA |
2021 |
Molecular Ecology Resources |
21 |
1875-1888 |
Craine, J.M.; Elmore, A.J.; Wang, L.; Aranibar, J.; Bauters, M.; Boeckx, P.; Crowley, B.E.; Dawes, M.A.; Delzon, S.; Fajardo, A.; Fang, Y.; Fujiyoshi, L.; Gray, A.; Guerrieri, R.; Gundale, M.J.; Hawke, D.J.; Hietz, P.; Jonard, M.; Kearsley, E.; Kenzo, T.; Makarov, M.; Marañón-Jiménez, S.; McGlynn, T.P.; McNeil, B.E.; Mosher, S.G.; Nelson, D.M.; Peri, P.L.; Roggy, J.C.; Sanders-DeMott, R.; Song, M.; Szpak, P.; Templer, P.H.; Van der Colff, D.; Werner, C.; Xu, X.; Yang, Y.; Yu, G.; Zmudczyńska-Skarbek, K. |
Isotopic evidence for oligotrophication of terrestrial ecosystems |
2018 |
Nature Ecology & Evolution |
2 |
1735-1744 |
Croft, H.; Chen, J.M.; Wang, R.; Mo, G.; Luo, S.; Luo, X.; He, L.; Gonsamo, A.; Arabian, J.; Zhang, Y.; Simic-Milas, A.; Noland, T.L.; He, Y.; Homolová, L.; Malenovský, Z.; Yi, Q.; Beringer, J.; Amiri, R.; Hutley, L.; Arellano, P.; Stahl, C.; Bonal, D. |
The global distribution of leaf chlorophyll content |
2020 |
Remote Sensing of Environment |
236 |
Csilléry, K.; Lalague, H.; Vendramin, G.G.; González-Martínez, S.C.; Fady, B.; Oddou-Muratorio, S. |
Detecting short spatial scale local adaptation and epistatic selection in climate-related candidate genes in European beech (Fagus sylvatica) populations |
2014 |
Molecular Ecology |
23 |
4696-4708 |
Dézerald, O.; Leroy, C.; Corbara, B.; Dejean, A.; Talaga, S.; Céréghino, R. |
Tank bromeliads sustain high secondary production in neotropical forests |
2018 |
Aquatic Sciences |
80 |
Dézerald, O.; Srivastava, D.S.; Céréghino, R.; Carrias, J.-F.; Corbara, B.; Farjalla, V.F.; Leroy, C.; Marino, N.A.C.; Piccoli, G.C.O.; Richardson, B.A.; Richardson, M.J.; Romero, G.Q.; González, A.L. |
Functional traits and environmental conditions predict community isotopic niches and energy pathways across spatial scales |
2018 |
Functional Ecology |
32 |
2423-2434 |
Díaz, S.; Kattge, J.; Cornelissen, J.H.C.; Wright, I.J.; Lavorel, S.; Dray, S.; Reu, B.; Kleyer, M.; Wirth, C.; Colin Prentice, I.; Garnier, E.; Bönisch, G.; Westoby, M.; Poorter, H.; Reich, P.B.; Moles, A.T.; Dickie, J.; Gillison, A.N.; Zanne, A.E.; Chave, J.; Joseph Wright, S.; Sheremet’ev, S.N.; Jactel, H.; Baraloto, C.; Cerabolini, B.; Pierce, S.; Shipley, B.; Kirkup, D.; Casanoves, F.; Joswig, J.S.; Günther, A.; Falczuk, V.; Rüger, N.; Mahecha, M.D.; Gorné, L.D. |
The global spectrum of plant form and function |
2016 |
Nature |
529 |
167-171 |