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Rockwell, C. A., Kainer, K. A., Staudhammer, C. L., & Baraloto, C. (2007). Future crop tree damage in a certified community forest in southwestern Amazonia. For. Ecol. Manage., 242(2-3), 108–118.
Abstract: Field studies in Acre, Brazil assessed logging impacts of a certified community timber management project. The main objectives of the study were: (1) to determine if damage incidence to future crop trees (FCTs; >= 20 cm diameter at breast height (dbh)) differs between (a) forest with and without bamboo (Guadua spp.), and (b) trees with and without lianas; (2) to what extent harvesting can be conducted more intensely (m(3)ha(-1)), without incurring greater FCT damage; and (3) to what extent marking diminishes FCT damage. Full inventories of FCTs of 50 commercial species complexes were conducted before and after logging in 50 m-radius zones of impact around each designated harvest tree in three 10 ha (200 m x 500 m) logging blocks. We also mapped all forested areas potentially influenced by logging, including skid trails, log landings and felling gaps, throughout the 30 ha logged. More than 28% of the forest area was disturbed by logging, with 12.1% in skid trails and 16.8% in gap clearings, indicating that the forest gap mosaic can be significantly altered even when reduced-impact logging guidelines are followed. Overall, 15% of FCTs inventoried were damaged. Damage rates were not significantly reduced by marking treatment, location in bamboo-dominated forest, or liana load on FCT damage. Harvest intensity did not influence the probability of FCT damage. For future studies, it would be prudent to address impacts of timber extraction on other livelihood activities, such as non-timber forest product collection, particularly in such regions as the Brazilian Amazon, where many communities are attempting to integrate a suite of income-generating activities. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: bamboo; community forest management; forest certification; Guadua; liana; marking; reduced-impact logging; RIL; timber management; tropical forest
Rockwell, C., Kainer, K. A., Marcondes, N., & Baraloto, C. (2007). Ecological limitations of reduced-impact logging at the smallholder scale. For. Ecol. Manage., 238(1-3), 365–374.
Abstract: Reduced-impact logging (RIL) has many demonstrated benefits to the industrial logging operations for which they were developed. It is less clear whether these gains remain consistent in smallholder forest systems that increasingly play an important role in global conservation and that target a broader suite of outputs in their management schemes. We evaluate potential ecological consequences of five RIL components (pre-harvest inventories, harvest intensity, cutting cycles, skid trail planning, and liana cutting) when applied to small-scale operations in the Brazilian Amazon and provide suggestions for modifications to RIL guidelines for smallholder systems. Rapid assessment inventories of the entire landholding should be a part of crop tree selection to minimize inbreeding and recruitment failure. Additionally, while community-based taxonomists accurately identify species to common names, botanical samples must be verified with herbarium specimens to avoid market and ecological problems when multiple species share a single common name. We advocate that smallholder managers move beyond an emphasis on RIL guidelines, while still incorporating its basic tenets into practical application. Based on our analysis, this would include evaluating benefits of particular RIL components and assessing potential advantages that smallholders have over industrial operations. We suggest incorporating anthropogenically-generated forest patches of varying sizes and successional stages into a more formalized management system, incorporating and expanding on traditional ecological knowledge acquired over generations, and integrating enrichment plantings and tending of regeneration. (c) 2006 Published by Elsevier B.V.
Keywords: community forest management; forest inventories; liana cutting; sustained yield; timber management; tropical forest conservation
Croft, H., Chen, J. M., Wang, R., Mo, G., Luo, S., Luo, X., et al. (2020). The global distribution of leaf chlorophyll content. Remote Sens. Environ., 236(111479).
Abstract: Leaf chlorophyll is central to the exchange of carbon, water and energy between the biosphere and the atmosphere, and to the functioning of terrestrial ecosystems. This paper presents the first spatially-continuous view of terrestrial leaf chlorophyll content (ChlLeaf) at the global scale. Weekly maps of ChlLeaf were produced from ENVISAT MERIS full resolution (300 m) satellite data using a two-stage physically-based radiative transfer modelling approach. Firstly, leaf-level reflectance was derived from top-of-canopy satellite reflectance observations using 4-Scale and SAIL canopy radiative transfer models for woody and non-woody vegetation, respectively. Secondly, the modelled leaf-level reflectance was input into the PROSPECT leaf-level radiative transfer model to derive ChlLeaf. The ChlLeaf retrieval algorithm was validated using measured ChlLeaf data from 248 sample measurements at 28 field locations, and covering six plant functional types (PFTs). Modelled results show strong relationships with field measurements, particularly for deciduous broadleaf forests (R2 = 0.67; RMSE = 9.25 microg cm-2; p < 0.001), croplands (R2 = 0.41; RMSE = 13.18 microg cm-2; p < 0.001) and evergreen needleleaf forests (R2 = 0.47; RMSE = 10.63 microg cm-2; p < 0.001). When the modelled results from all PFTs were considered together, the overall relationship with measured ChlLeaf remained good (R2 = 0.47, RMSE = 10.79 microg cm-2; p < 0.001). This result is an improvement on the relationship between measured ChlLeaf and a commonly used chlorophyll-sensitive spectral vegetation index; the MERIS Terrestrial Chlorophyll Index (MTCI; R2 = 0.27, p < 0.001). The global maps show large temporal and spatial variability in ChlLeaf, with evergreen broadleaf forests presenting the highest leaf chlorophyll values, with global annual median values of 54.4 microg cm-2. Distinct seasonal ChlLeaf phenologies are also visible, particularly in deciduous plant forms, associated with budburst and crop growth, and leaf senescence. It is anticipated that this global ChlLeaf product will make an important step towards the explicit consideration of leaf-level biochemistry in terrestrial water, energy and carbon cycle modelling.
Leroy, C., Maes, A. Q. M., Louisanna, E., Schimann, H., & Séjalon-Delmas, N. (2021). Taxonomic, phylogenetic and functional diversity of rootassociated fungi in bromeliads: effects of host identity, life forms and nutritional modes. New Phytologist, 231(3), 1195–1209.
Abstract: Bromeliads represent a major component of neotropical forests and encompass a considerable diversity of life forms and nutritional modes. Bromeliads explore highly stressful habitats and root-associated fungi may play a crucial role in this, but the driving factors and variations in root-associated fungi remain largely unknown.
We explored root-associated fungal communities in 17 bromeliad species and their variations linked to host identity, life forms and nutritional modes by using ITS1 gene-based high-throughput sequencing and by characterizing fungal functional guilds. We found a dual association of mycorrhizal and nonmycorrhizal fungi. The different species, life forms and nutritional modes among bromeliad hosts had fungal communities that differ in their taxonomic and functional composition. Specifically, roots of epiphytic bromeliads had more endophytic fungi and dark septate endophytes and fewer mycorrhizal fungi than terrestrial bromeliads and lithophytes. Our results contribute to a fundamental knowledge base on different fungal groups in previously undescribed Bromeliaceae. The diverse root-associated fungal communities in bromeliads may enhance plant fitness in both stressful and nutrient-poor environments and may give more flexibility to the plants to adapt to changing environmental conditions. |
Bréchet, L. M., Daniel Warren, Stahl, C., Burban, B., Goret, J. - Y., Salomon, R. L., et al. (2021). Simultaéneous tree stem and soil greenhouse gas (CO2, CH4, N2O) flux measurements: a novel design for continuous monitoring towards improving flux estimates and temporal resolution. New Phytologist, 230(6), 2487–2500.
Abstract: Tree stems and soils can act as sources and sinks for the greenhouse gases (GHG) carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O). Since both uptake and emission capacities can be large, especially in tropical rainforests, accurate assessments of the magnitudes and temporal variations of stem and soil GHG fluxes are required. We designed a new flexible stem chamber system for continuously measuring GHG fluxes in a French Guianese rainforest. Here, we describe this new system, which is connected to an automated soil GHG flux system, and discuss measurement uncertainty and potential error sources. In line with findings for soil GHG flux estimates, we demonstrated that lengthening the stem chamber closure time was required for accurate estimates of tree stem CH4 and N2O flux but not tree stem CO2 flux. The instrumented stem was a net source of CO2 and CH4 and a weak sink of N2O. Our experimental setup operated successfully in situ and provided continuous tree and soil GHG measurements at a high temporal resolution over an 11-month period. This automated system is a major step forward in the measurement of GHG fluxes in stems and the atmosphere concurrently with soil GHG fluxes in tropical forest ecosystems.
Keywords: système de chambre automatisé ; efflux de dioxyde de carbone ; flux de méthane ; flux d'oxyde nitreux ; tige d'arbre ; forêt tropicale
Barraza, F., Schreck, E., Lévêque, T., Uzu, G., Lopez, F., Ruales, J., et al. (2017). Cadmium bioaccumulation and gastric bioaccessibility in cacao: A field study in areas impacted by oil activities in Ecuador. Environmental Pollution, 229, 950–963.
Abstract: Cacao from South America is especially used to produce premium quality chocolate. Although the European Food Safety Authority has not established a limit for cadmium (Cd) in chocolate raw material, recent studies demonstrate that Cd concentrations in cacao beans can reach levels higher than the legal limits for dark chocolate (0.8 mg kg−1, effective January 1st, 2019). Despite the fact that the presence of Cd in agricultural soils is related to contamination by fertilizers, other potential sources must be considered in Ecuador. This field study was conducted to investigate Cd content in soils and cacao cultivated on Ecuadorian farms in areas impacted by oil activities. Soils, cacao leaves, and pod husks were collected from 31 farms in the northern Amazon and Pacific coastal regions exposed to oil production and refining and compared to two control areas. Human gastric bioaccessibility was determined in raw cacao beans and cacao liquor samples in order to assess potential health risks involved. Our results show that topsoils (0–20 cm) have higher Cd concentrations than deeper layers, exceeding the Ecuadorian legislation limit in 39% of the sampling sites. Cacao leaves accumulate more Cd than pod husks or beans but, nevertheless, 50% of the sampled beans have Cd contents above 0.8 mg kg−1. Root-to-cacao transfer seems to be the main pathway of Cd uptake, which is not only regulated by physico-chemical soil properties but also agricultural practices. Additionally, natural Cd enrichment by volcanic inputs must not be neglected. Finally, Cd in cacao trees cannot be considered as a tracer of oil activities. Assuming that total Cd content and its bioaccessible fraction (up to 90%) in cacao beans and liquor is directly linked to those in chocolate, the health risk associated with Cd exposure varies from low to moderate.
Keywords: Cacao; Cadmium; Ecuador; Health risk assessment; Uptake and bioaccumulation
Levionnois, S., Jansen, S., Wandji, R. T., Beauchêne, J., Ziegler, C., Coste, S., et al. (2021). Linking drought-induced xylem embolism resistance to wood anatomical traits in Neotropical trees. New Phytol., 229(3), 1453–1466.
Abstract: Drought-induced xylem embolism is considered to be one of the main factors driving mortality in woody plants worldwide. Although several structure–functional mechanisms have been tested to understand the anatomical determinants of embolism resistance, there is a need to study this topic by integrating anatomical data for many species. We combined optical, laser, and transmission electron microscopy to investigate vessel diameter, vessel grouping, and pit membrane ultrastructure for 26 tropical rainforest tree species across three major clades (magnoliids, rosiids, and asteriids). We then related these anatomical observations to previously published data on drought-induced embolism resistance, with phylogenetic analyses. Vessel diameter, vessel grouping, and pit membrane ultrastructure were all predictive of xylem embolism resistance, but with weak predictive power. While pit membrane thickness was a predictive trait when vestured pits were taken into account, the pit membrane diameter-to-thickness ratio suggests a strong importance of the deflection resistance of the pit membrane. However, phylogenetic analyses weakly support adaptive coevolution. Our results emphasize the functional significance of pit membranes for air-seeding in tropical rainforest trees, highlighting also the need to study their mechanical properties due to the link between embolism resistance and pit membrane diameter-to-thickness ratio. Finding support for adaptive coevolution also remains challenging. © 2020 The Authors New Phytologist © 2020 New Phytologist Foundation
Keywords: bordered pits; drought-induced embolism; pit membrane; transmission electron microscopy; tropical trees; vessel grouping; xylem anatomy
Levionnois, S., Ziegler, C., Jansen, S., Calvet, E., Coste, S., Stahl, C., et al. (2020). Vulnerability and hydraulic segmentations at the stem–leaf transition: coordination across Neotropical trees. New Phytol., 228(2), 512–524.
Abstract: Hydraulic segmentation at the stem–leaf transition predicts higher hydraulic resistance in leaves than in stems. Vulnerability segmentation, however, predicts lower embolism resistance in leaves. Both mechanisms should theoretically favour runaway embolism in leaves to preserve expensive organs such as stems, and should be tested for any potential coordination. We investigated the theoretical leaf-specific conductivity based on an anatomical approach to quantify the degree of hydraulic segmentation across 21 tropical rainforest tree species. Xylem resistance to embolism in stems (flow-centrifugation technique) and leaves (optical visualization method) was quantified to assess vulnerability segmentation. We found a pervasive hydraulic segmentation across species, but with a strong variability in the degree of segmentation. Despite a clear continuum in the degree of vulnerability segmentation, eight species showed a positive vulnerability segmentation (leaves less resistant to embolism than stems), whereas the remaining species studied exhibited a negative or no vulnerability segmentation. The degree of vulnerability segmentation was positively related to the degree of hydraulic segmentation, such that segmented species promote both mechanisms to hydraulically decouple leaf xylem from stem xylem. To what extent hydraulic and vulnerability segmentation determine drought resistance requires further integration of the leaf–stem transition at the whole-plant level, including both xylem and outer xylem tissue. © 2020 The Authors. New Phytologist © 2020 New Phytologist Trust
Keywords: drought-induced embolism resistance; hydraulic segmentation; leaf-specific conductivity; stem–leaf transition; tropical trees; vulnerability segmentation; air bubble; hydraulic conductivity; leaf; Neotropical Region; rainforest; tropical forest; vulnerability; xylem
Fortunel, C., Stahl, C., Heuret, P., Nicolini, E., & Baraloto, C. (2020). Disentangling the effects of environment and ontogeny on tree functional dimensions for congeneric species in tropical forests. New Phytol., 226(2), 385–395.
Abstract: Soil water and nutrient availability are key drivers of tree species distribution and forest ecosystem functioning, with strong species differences in water and nutrient use. Despite growing evidence for intraspecific trait differences, it remains unclear under which circumstances the effects of environmental gradients trump those of ontogeny and taxonomy on important functional dimensions related to resource use, particularly in tropical forests. Here, we explore how physiological, chemical, and morphological traits related to resource use vary between life stages in four species within the genus Micropholis that is widespread in lowland Amazonia. Specifically, we evaluate how environment, developmental stage, and taxonomy contribute to single-trait variation and multidimensional functional strategies. We find that environment, developmental stage, and taxonomy differentially contribute to functional dimensions. Habitats and seasons shape physiological and chemical traits related to water and nutrient use, whereas developmental stage and taxonomic identity impact morphological traits –especially those related to the leaf economics spectrum. Our findings suggest that combining environment, ontogeny, and taxonomy allows for a better understanding of important functional dimensions in tropical trees and highlights the need for integrating tree physiological and chemical traits with classically used morphological traits to improve predictions of tropical forests’ responses to environmental change. © 2019 The Authors New Phytologist © 2019 New Phytologist Trust
Keywords: chemistry; developmental stage; habitats; Micropholis; morphology; physiology; plant traits; seasons; developmental stage; ecosystem function; forest ecosystem; habitat selection; habitat structure; nutrient availability; ontogeny; physiological response; soil water; taxonomy; tropical forest; Amazonia
Picard, N., Mortier, F., Rossi, V., & Gourlet-Fleury, S. (2010). Clustering species using a model of population dynamics and aggregation theory. Ecol. Model., 221(2), 152–160.
Abstract: The high species diversity of some ecosystems like tropical rainforests goes in pair with the scarcity of data for most species. This hinders the development of models that require enough data for fitting. The solution commonly adopted by modellers consists in grouping species to form more sizeable data sets. Classical methods for grouping species such as hierarchical cluster analysis do not take account of the variability of the species characteristics used for clustering. In this study a clustering method based on aggregation theory is presented. It takes account of the variability of species characteristics by searching for the grouping that minimizes the quadratic error (square bias plus variance) of some model's prediction. This method allows one to check whether the gain in variance brought by data pooling compensate for the bias that it introduces. This method was applied to a data set on 94 tree species in a tropical rainforest in French Guiana, using a Usher matrix model to predict species dynamics. An optimal trade-off between bias and variance was found when grouping species. Grouping species appeared to decrease the quadratic error, except when the number of groups was very small. This clustering method yielded species groups similar to those of the hierarchical cluster analysis using Ward's method when variance was small, that is when the number of groups was small. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Aggregation theory; Species grouping; Species richness; Tropical rainforest; Usher model