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Author Title Year Publication Volume Pages
Kiaer, L.P.; Felber, F.; Flavell, A.; Guadagnuolo, R.; Guiatti, D.; Hauser, T.P.; Olivieri, A.M.; Scotti, I.; Syed, N.; Vischi, M.; van de Wiel, C.; Jorgensen, R.B. Spontaneous gene flow and population structure in wild and cultivated chicory, Cichorium intybus L 2009 Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 56 405-419
Marchal, R.; Mothe, F.; Denaud, L.E.; Thibaut, B.; Bleron, L. Cutting forces in wood machining – Basics and applications in industrial processes. A review COST Action E35 2004-2008: Wood machining – micromechanics and fracture 2009 Holzforschung 63 157-167
Leroy, C.; Gueroult, M.; Wahyuni, N.S.; Escoute, J.; Cereghino, R.; Sabatier, S.; Auclair, D. Morphogenetic trends in the morphological, optical and biochemical features of phyllodes in Acacia mangium Willd (Mimosaceae) 2009 Trees-Structure and Function 23 37-49
Grangier, J.; Dejean, A.; Male, P.J.G.; Orivel, J. Indirect defense in a highly specific ant-plant mutualism 2008 Naturwissenschaften 95 909-916
Grangier, J.; Orivel, J.; Negrini, M.; Dejean, A. Low intraspecific aggressiveness in two obligate plant-ant species 2008 Insectes Sociaux 55 238-240
Dejean, A.; Grangier, J.; Leroy, C.; Orivel, J.; Gilbernau, M. Nest site selection and induced response in a dominant arboreal ant species 2008 Naturwissenschaften 95 885-889
Dejean, A.; Moreau, C.S.; Kenne, M.; Leponce, M. The raiding success of Pheidole megacephala on other ants in both its native and introduced ranges 2008 Comptes Rendus Biologies 331 631-635
Coutand, C.; Dupraz, C.; Jaouen, G.; Ploquin, S.; Adam, B. Mechanical stimuli regulate the allocation of biomass in trees: Demonstration with young Prunus avium trees 2008 Annals of Botany 101 1421-1432
Leroy, C.; Jauneau, A.; Quilichini, A.; Dejean, A.; Orivel, J. Comparison between the anatomical and morphological structure of leaf blades and foliar domatia in the ant-plant Hirtella physophora (Chrysobalanaceae) 2008 Annals of Botany 101 501-507
Dejean, A.; Djieto-Lordon, C.; Orivel, J. The plant ant Tetraponera aethiops (Pseudomyrmecinae) protects its host myrmecophyte Barteria fistulosa (Passifloraceae) through aggressiveness and predation 2008 Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 93 63-69