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Author Title Year Publication Volume Pages
Leroy, C.; Gueroult, M.; Wahyuni, N.S.; Escoute, J.; Cereghino, R.; Sabatier, S.; Auclair, D. Morphogenetic trends in the morphological, optical and biochemical features of phyllodes in Acacia mangium Willd (Mimosaceae) 2009 Trees-Structure and Function 23 37-49
Jabiol, J.; Corbara, B.; Dejean, A.; Cereghino, R. Structure of aquatic insect communities in tank-bromeliads in a East-Amazonian rainforest in French Guiana 2009 Forest Ecology and Management 257 351-360
Dejean, A.; Grangier, J.; Leroy, C.; Orivel, J. Predation and aggressiveness in host plant protection: a generalization using ants from the genus Azteca 2009 Naturwissenschaften 96 57-63
Amusant, N.; Fournier, M.; Beauchene, J. Colour and decay resistance and its relationships in Eperua grandiflora 2008 Annals of Forest Science 65 806
Gibernau, M.; Orivel, J.; Dejean, A.; Delabie, J.; Barabe, D. Flowering as a key factor in ant-Philodendron interactions 2008 Journal of Tropical Ecology 24 689-692
Almeras, T. Mechanical analysis of the strains generated by water tension in plant stems. Part II: strains in wood and bark and apparent compliance 2008 Tree Physiology 28 1513-1523
Grangier, J.; Dejean, A.; Male, P.J.G.; Orivel, J. Indirect defense in a highly specific ant-plant mutualism 2008 Naturwissenschaften 95 909-916
McClure, M.; Chouteau, M.; Dejean, A. Territorial aggressiveness on the arboreal ant Azteca alfari by Camponotus blandus in French Guiana due to behavioural constraints 2008 Comptes Rendus Biologies 331 663-667
Grangier, J.; Orivel, J.; Negrini, M.; Dejean, A. Low intraspecific aggressiveness in two obligate plant-ant species 2008 Insectes Sociaux 55 238-240
Herault, B.; Bornet, A.; Tremolieres, M. Redundancy and niche differentiation among the European invasive Elodea species 2008 Biological Invasions 10 1099-1107