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Harper, A. B., Williams, K. E., McGuire, P., Duran Rojas, M. C., Hemming, D., Verhoef, A., et al. (2021). Improvement of modeling plant responses to low soil moisture in JULESvn4.9 and evaluation against flux tower measurements. Geoscientific Model Development, 14(6), 3269–3294.
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Poyatos, R., Granda, V., Flo, V., Adams, M. A., Adorjan, B., Aguadé, D., et al. (2021). Global transpiration data from sap flow measurements: the SAPFLUXNET database. Earth System Science Data, 13(6), 2607–2649.
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Vacher, C., Castagneyrol, B., Jousselin, E., & Schimann, H. (2021). Trees and Insects Have Microbiomes: Consequences for Forest Health and Management. Current Forestry Reports, 7(2), 81–96.
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Essebtey, S. E. I., Villard, L., Borderies, P., Koleck, T., Burban, B., & Le Toan, T. (2021). Long-Term Trends of P-Band Temporal Decorrelation Over a Tropical Dense Forest-Experimental Results for the BIOMASS Mission. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 60, 1–15.
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Leroy, C., Maes, A. Q. M., Louisanna, E., Schimann, H., & Séjalon-Delmas, N. (2021). Taxonomic, phylogenetic and functional diversity of rootassociated fungi in bromeliads: effects of host identity, life forms and nutritional modes. New Phytologist, 231(3), 1195–1209.
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Brosse, S., Baglan, A., Covain, R., Lalague, H., Le Bail, P. - Y., Vigouroux, R., et al. (2021). Aquarium trade and fish farms as a source of non-native freshwater fish introductions in French Guiana. Annales de Limnologie – International Journal of Limnology, 57(4).
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Duplais, C., Sarou-Kanian, V., Massiot, D., Hassan, A., Perrone, B., Estevez, Y., et al. (2021). Gut bacteria are essential for normal cutile development in herbivorous turtle ants. Nature Communication, 12, 1–6.
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Van Langenhove, L., Depaepe, T., Verryckt, L. T., Fuchslueger, L., Donald, J., Celine, L., et al. (2021). Comparable canapy and soil free living nitrogen fixation rates in e lowland tropical forest. Science of the total environment, 754.
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