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Author Title Year Publication Volume Pages
Herault, B.; Thoen, D. How habitat area, local and regional factors shape plant assemblages in isolated closed depressions 2009 Acta Oecologica-International Journal of Ecology 35 385-392
Corbara, B.; Carpenter, J.M.; Cereghino, R.; Leponce, M.; Gibernau, M.; Dejean, A. Diversity and nest site selection of social wasps along Guianese forest edges: assessing the influence of arboreal ants 2009 Comptes Rendus Biologies 332 470-479
Grangier, J.; Dejean, A.; Male, P.J.G.; Solano, P.J.; Orivel, J. Mechanisms driving the specificity of a myrmecophyte-ant association 2009 Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 97 90-97
Patino, S.; Lloyd, J.; Paiva, R.; Baker, T.R.; Quesada, C.A.; Mercado, L.M.; Schmerler, J.; Schwarz, M.; Santos, A.J.B.; Aguilar, A.; Czimczik, C.I.; Gallo, J.; Horna, V.; Hoyos, E.J.; Jimenez, E.M.; Palomino, W.; Peacock, J.; Pena-Cruz, A.; Sarmiento, C.; Sota, A.; Turriago, J.D.; Villanueva, B.; Vitzthum, P.; Alvarez, E.; Arroyo, L.; Baraloto, C.; Bonal, D.; Chave, J.; Costa, A.C.L.; Herrera, R.; Higuchi, N.; Killeen, T.; Leal, E.; Luizao, F.; Meir, P.; Monteagudo, A.; Neil, D.; Nunez-Vargas, P.; Penuela, M.C.; Pitman, N.; Priante, N.; Prieto, A.; Panfil, S.N.; Rudas, A.; Salomao, R.; Silva, N.; Silveira, M.; deAlmeida, S.S.; Torres-Lezama, A.; Vasquez-Martinez, R.; Vieira, I.; Malhi, Y.; Phillips, O.L. Branch xylem density variations across the Amazon Basin 2009 Biogeosciences 6 545-568
Paine, C.E.T.; Harms, K.E. Quantifying the effects of seed arrival and environmental conditions on tropical seedling community structure 2009 Oecologia 160 139-150
Malhi, Y.; Aragao, L.E.O.C.; Metcalfe, D.B.; Paiva, R.; Quesada, C.A.; Almeida, S.; Anderson, L.; Brando, P.; Chambers, J.Q.; da Costa, A.C.L.; Hutyra, L.R.; Oliveira, P.; Patino, S.; Pyle, E.H.; Robertson, A.L.; Teixeira, L.M. Comprehensive assessment of carbon productivity, allocation and storage in three Amazonian forests 2009 Global Change Biology 15 1255-1274
Paine, C.E.T.; Harms, K.E.; Ramos, J. Supplemental irrigation increases seedling performance and diversity in a tropical forest 2009 Journal of Tropical Ecology 25 171-180
Dejean, A.; Grangier, J.; Leroy, C.; Orivel, J. Host plant protection by arboreal ants: looking for a pattern in locally induced responses 2008 Evolutionary Ecology Research 10 1217-1223
Phillips, O.L.; Aragao, L.E.O.C.; Lewis, S.L.; Fisher, J.B.; Lloyd, J.; Lopez-Gonzalez, G.; Malhi, Y.; Monteagudo, A.; Peacock, J.; Quesada, C.A.; van der Heijden, G.; Almeida, S.; Amaral, I.; Arroyo, L.; Aymard, G.; Baker, T.R.; Banki, O.; Blanc, L.; Bonal, D.; Brando, P.; Chave, J.; de Oliveira, A.C.A.; Cardozo, N.D.; Czimczik, C.I.; Feldpausch, T.R.; Freitas, M.A.; Gloor, E.; Higuchi, N.; Jimenez, E.; Lloyd, G.; Meir, P.; Mendoza, C.; Morel, A.; Neill, D.A.; Nepstad, D.; Patino, S.; Penuela, M.C.; Prieto, A.; Ramirez, F.; Schwarz, M.; Silva, J.; Silveira, M.; Thomas, A.S.; ter Steege, H.; Stropp, J.; Vasquez, R.; Zelazowski, P.; Davila, E.A.; Andelman, S.; Andrade, A.; Chao, K.J.; Erwin, T.; Di Fiore, A.; Honorio, E.; Keeling, H.; Killeen, T.J.; Laurance, W.F.; Cruz, A.P.; Pitman, N.C.A.; Vargas, P.N.; Ramirez-Angulo, H.; Rudas, A.; Salamao, R.; Silva, N.; Terborgh, J.; Torres-Lezama, A. Drought Sensitivity of the Amazon Rainforest 2009 Science 323 1344-1347
Fortunel, C.; Garnier, E.; Joffre, R.; Kazakou, E.; Quested, H.; Grigulis, K.; Lavorel, S.; Ansquer, P.; Castro, H.; Cruz, P.; Dolezal, J.; Eriksson, O.; Freitas, H.; Golodets, C.; Jouany, C.; Kigel, J.; Kleyer, M.; Lehsten, V.; Leps, J.; Meier, T.; Pakeman, R.; Papadimitriou, M.; Papanastasis, V.P.; Quetier, F.; Robson, M.; Sternberg, M.; Theau, J.P.; Thebault, A.; Zarovali, M. Leaf traits capture the effects of land use changes and climate on litter decomposability of grasslands across Europe 2009 Ecology 90 598-611