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Author Title Year Publication Volume Pages
Diatta, Bétémondji Désiré ; Niass, Ousmane ; Diouf, Massamba ; Guéye, Mathieu ; Houel, Emeline ; Boetsch, Gilles Diversité et composition phytochimique des bâtonnets frotte-dents (cure-dents) proposés chez les Peul de la commune de Tessékéré (Ferlo Nord, Sénégal) 2021 Journal of Applied Biosciences 158 16267-16281
Quéméré, Erwan ; Aucourt, Marie ; Troispoux, Valérie ; Brosse, Sébastien ; Murienne, Jérôme ; Covain, Raphael ; Le Bail, Pierre-Yves ; Olivier, Jean ; Tysklind, Niklas ; Galan, Maxime Unraveling the dietary diversity of Neotropical top predators using scat DNA metabarcoding: A case study on the elusive Giant Otter 2021 Environmental DNA 3 889-900
Maggia, Marie-Eugénie ; Decaëns, Thibaud ; Lapied, Emmanuel ; Dupont, Lise ; Roy, Virginie ; Schimann, Heidy ; Orivel, Jérome ; Murienne, Jérôme ; Baraloto, Christophier ; Cottenie, Karl ; Steinke, Dirk At each site its diversity: DNA barcoding reveals remarkable earthworm diversity in neotropical rainforests of French Guiana 2021 Applied Soil Ecology 164 103932
Valverde-Barrantes, Oscar J. ; Authier, Louise ; Schimann, Heidy ; Baraloto, Christophier Root anatomy helps to reconcile observed root trait syndromes in tropical tree species 2021 American Journal of Botany 108 744-755
Harper, Anna B. ; Williams, Karina E. ; McGuire, Patrick ; Duran Rojas, Maria Carolina ; Hemming, Debbie ; Verhoef, Anne ; Huntingford, Chris ; Rowland, Lucy ; Marthews, Toby ; Breder Eller, Cleiton ; Mathison, Camilla ; Nobrega, Rodolfo L.B. ; Gedney, Nicola ; Vidale, Pier Luigi ; Otu-Larbi, Fred ; Pandey, Divya Improvement of modeling plant responses to low soil moisture in JULESvn4.9 and evaluation against flux tower measurements 2021 Geoscientific Model Development 14 3269-3294
Poyatos, Rafael ; Granda, Victor ; Flo, Victor ; Adams, Mark A. ; Adorjan, Balazs ; Aguadé, David ; Aidar, Marcos P.M. ; Allen, Scott ; Alvarado-Barrientos, M.Susana ; Anderson-Teixeira, Kristina J. ; Aparecido, Luiza Maria ; Arain, M. Altaf ; Aranda, Ismael ; Asbjornsen, Heidi ; Baxter, Robert Global transpiration data from sap flow measurements: the SAPFLUXNET database 2021 Earth System Science Data 13 2607–2649
Vacher, Corinne ; Castagneyrol, Bastien ; Jousselin, Emmanuelle ; Schimann, Heidy Trees and Insects Have Microbiomes: Consequences for Forest Health and Management 2021 Current Forestry Reports 7 81-96
Essebtey, Salma El Idrissi ; Villard, Ludovic ; Borderies, Pierre ; Koleck, Thierry ; Burban, Benoït ; Le Toan, Thuy Long-Term Trends of P-Band Temporal Decorrelation Over a Tropical Dense Forest-Experimental Results for the BIOMASS Mission 2021 IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 60 1-15
Leroy, Celine ; Maes, Arthur QuyManh ; Louisanna, Eliane ; Schimann, Heidy ; Séjalon-Delmas, Nathalie Taxonomic, phylogenetic and functional diversity of rootassociated fungi in bromeliads: effects of host identity, life forms and nutritional modes 2021 New Phytologist 231 1195-1209
Donald, J.; Maxfield, P.; Leroy, C.; Ellwood, M.D.F. Epiphytic suspended soils from Borneo and Amazonia differ in their microbial community composition 2020 Acta Oecologica 106